Become a Electrodiagnostic Special Interest Group Member
We're thrilled that you're considering membership in the Electrodiagnostic Special Interest Group (EDX SIG). Your participation in our community is highly valued.
To start your journey with EDX SIG, here's what you need to do:
- Join the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management (ACEWM):
Your first steps towards EDX SIG membership is becoming a member of ACEWM. This can be done on the APTA website at ACEWM membership grants you access to important information related to the Academy and its Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
- Membership Benefits: ACEWM membership brings a host of benefits, including access to SIG updates and exclusive member perks.
Thank you for your interest in the Electrodiagnostic Special Interest Group. We're excited to welcome you into our community!