APTA Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management

Letter from the President of ACEWM

Stephanie Woelfel PT, DPT, CWS

Letter from the Academy President

Greetings! And welcome to the inaugural issue of the “Journal of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management.” We are very proud to be highlighting physical therapy practice in the areas of electrodiagnostics, wound management, biophysical agents and neuromusculoskeletal ultrasonography. The Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management has discussed the possibility of a Journal for years, but as you can imagine, bringing something like this to fruition is no small feat. I want to sincerely thank our Editor in Chief – Mohini Rawat, as well as our Associate Editors, for their hard work and tireless efforts in making this Journal a reality. I would also like to thank the Academy’s Immediate Past-President – Karen Gibbs – for her support of this project during her tenure. For all of you that submitted articles for the Journal – you’re awesome! Moving best practice forward requires clinicians, researchers and educators willing to share their expertise. I encourage everyone reading this Journal to consider contributing to future issues. We all have knowledge to share, and who knows how many patients or clinicians might benefit from your experience? I am excited to be offering a Journal of this quality as a member benefit for our Academy and I hope that it helps you in your practice. While our specialty areas are often regarded as “niche,” our skill sets make a huge impact on our patients. I think one of the best ways to honor that is to continue to build the evidence that supports what we do every day.

Stephanie Woelfel PT, DPT, CWS
President – Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management.

Volume: 1
Issue: 1

Free Access

Pages: 1-57

February 2023

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