Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
I am thrilled to welcome you to the first issue of Journal of Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management. With the help of our outstanding editorial team, I am honored to lead this project dedicated to advancing the knowledge and clinical practice in electrodiagnostics, wound manage-ment, biophysical agents, and neuromusculoskeletal ultrasound. The Journal of Clinical Electro-physiology and Wound Management publishes peer reviewed articles and disseminates research and clinical evidence pertaining to these areas.
There are four specialized areas of practice and two ABPTS board certifications under the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management within the American Physical Therapy As-sociation. By providing a platform for publishing research and clinical evidence in these specialty areas, JCEWM will provide value to its members and the profession for years to come.
In the establishment of this journal, the JCEWM editorial board would like to thank the ACEWM board for its support. We also express our gratitude to our reviewers for their time, expertise, in-sightful comments, and suggestions that greatly added to the quality of these publications.
Let us embrace the challenges and the opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. We invite you to submit your papers to JCEWM.
I hope you enjoy reading this inaugural issue of JCEWM.
Mohini Rawat PT, DPT, ECS, OCS, RMSK
Editor-in-Chief – Journal of Clinical Electrophysiology & Wound Management.